Master Chemistry With Help From Expert Tutors
We explain Chemistry in a way that makes it easy to understand.
Tutoring That Gets Results!
Watch as your grades quickly improve in Chemistry class.
Professional 1:1 Tutoring
Engage with professional tutors (not college students) who have undergone rigorous vetting. Our tutors are experts in their field and have extensive one-on-one tutoring experience.
Available On Your Schedule
No long term contracts or minimum number of sessions required. Call, text, or email us. We're open everyday from 9am-9pm to help you schedule in-person or remote tutoring.
Pay as You Go
You're in complete control. Only pay for tutoring sessions as they happen. We don't charge registration fees or require huge upfront payments.
Our (Awesome) Chemistry Tutors
The Results Speak For Themselves
“Over the time I have been coming here I have gone from and B to a A in my AP Chemistry class.”
- Robyn R.
“I had a really good experience with Pivot Tutors for regular/AP Chemistry. They really believed in me and helped me to be more confident in those subject!"
- Emerson H.
“Over the time I have been coming here I have gone from and B to a A in my AP Chemistry class.”
- Robyn R.
“I had a really good experience with Pivot Tutors for regular/AP Chemistry. They really believed in me and helped me to be more confident in those subject!"
- Emerson H.